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- 3x3 Special: 5 Netflix lessons from 100 billion hours of viewer watch data
3x3 Special: 5 Netflix lessons from 100 billion hours of viewer watch data

Welcome to Creator 3×3!
Netflix just released 100 billion hours of viewer watch data.
Did you realize that 30% of all Netflix viewing hours went to non-English stories?
The report is full of gems like this… and I don’t want to wait until tomorrow to share them.
Here are the top 5 things you should know about what people are watching on Netflix right now.
The top 30 shows on Netflix only add up to about 10% of total Netflix watchtime!

Even the top performing show "The Night Agent" with it's 812 MILLION viewing hours didn't crack 1% of total content watched.
Online content lives (and dies) in the long tail of viewers.
About 95% of the watch hours for Netflix's Top 30 shows were from content released in the past year.
"New-ness" definitely still matters to stay top of mind for viewers.

Viewing Hours for Netflix’s Top 30 Shows
Movies might be dead.
26 of the Top 30 @netflix shows are serials.
15 of those 26 are new shows!
Only 4 of the Top 30 pieces of content are movies.
And only 1 movie broke the Top 15...

Top 30 Netflix Shows by Viewing Hours
Viewers are very dramatic right now

14 of the Top 30 shows on @netflix are Dramas and another 9 are Thrillers
Gameshows are a distant 3rd.
Maybe this is why Mr. Beast is experimenting with longer, slower stories in his recent videos?
Power law content winners on Netflix still deal with their own power law problems!
The #1 show (The Night Agent) had 5 times has many views as the #30 (Perfect Match: Season 1)
I guess there's always a bigger fish.

Seriously though, the best data point to come out of this Viewer Report has got to be that "Werewolves of the Third Reich" (which is sitting at cool 21% on Rotten Tomatoes right now) got about 100,000 HOURS of watch time.
If they can do it - so can you.
There's ALWAYS an audience out there for your content, y'all.
You’ve just gotta find them 🫡
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See you next week,
Cameron Armstrong
Founder of Seemore.tv​​​
p.s. if you want a sneak peak at the future of gaming and haven’t seen Derby VR and their meteoric rise on TikTok yet definitely check them out…